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Logon Message in Windows NT

Keywords:   logon login dialog


I am logging on to NT w/o connecting to a domain (I will connect later) and I want to clear the "Logon Message" Dialog box that states "A domain controller for your domain could not be contacted. You have been logged on using cached account...". The standard WinClose function does not work, because it seems the message is on another layer. Does anyone have any ideas on how to close this window??


There are a couple of ways around your problem.
  1. In order to close the window, use SendKeysTo or SendKeysChild (my favorite) to give it the OK function. If you are not sure of the Child Windows, look in the Tech Support Database for "Parent and Child Windows" to get a short script that allows you to figure them out; or you can use the Control Panel Extender.

  2. To prevent the Window from showing up at all, Unclick the Logon to Domain setting in Network properties. You are still logging into the network, so your permanent drive mappings and shares will work, but you will NOT (try to) run a Domain Login script, so will not get an error message.

    This is the way that we have our systems setup as we login to a Novell network and map shares to an NT network whose domain controller is remotely located; it works well.

Article ID:   W13509
Filename:   Logon Message on Windows NT.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:54:30
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:54:30