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Logon to unix server from WinNT using Samba

Keywords:   Samba wntAddDrive


I would like to logon to Unix Server from WinBatch. Am using Samba to manage files. Currently have to logon to unix outside of WinBatch. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


Could you explain a little further about your need to login to the Unix server prior to using Samba?

In the situations where I have had to work with Samba, it was using SMB (Server Messaging Block) protocol to carry NetBIOS traffic between Windows PCs and the Unix system. In effect, Samba makes a Unix system look like a LAN Manager v2 server, equivalent to a WFWG or OS/2 PC.

The functions in the network extender for Win9x and WinNT that allow you to access file and printer shares might work OK with Samba, but I don't have a Unix system running Samba to test this.

Question (cont'd):

For what ever reason, when we want to access the Unix server from WinNT it is necessary to perform "manually" login / password to a specific directory. I would like to do this via WinBatch and then map to the drive so I can perform FileCopy. I hope that futher explains the situation. Joe Use the Win32 NT netwrok extender (you already have it) and use the wntAddDrive function. You MUST specify the password (I think the Userid is ignored by SAMBA)
Article ID:   W14260
Filename:   Logon to unix server from WinNT using Samba.txt
File Created: 1999:10:26:11:22:52
Last Updated: 1999:10:26:11:22:52