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Can Winbatch Automate the Logon to a NT Domain

Keywords: 	 NT autologon


I am writing a program that requires a reboot. After the reboot I need to be able to logon to the NT-Domain and get info from a share. I have been looking in the documentation but was not able to find anything that lets me logon to the domain.


  1. Ummm. Only if you set it up for autologon before you reboot. Ummm see... Article #W13650.

    Be sure to reset the registry entries after you get logged in. You will need to set up a script in the RUNONCE section of the registry to run to clean up after the logon.

    And you need to know all the relevent passwords (and write them to the registry) You will want to delete those too.

  2. Assuming you are running NT4 or Win95:

    You can set defaults in the winlogon registry key which will allow you to automatically log on, and you can set up the run or runonce key, or a shortcut in the startup group, to launch a winbatch program, but you would then need to remove these settings for security.

    If you have access to Technet or Microsoft's online support site, search on the string "autoadminlogon" to give you further information on automatic logon methods.

Article ID:   W13506
Filename:   Can Winbatch Automate the Logon to a NT-Domain.txt
File Created: 1999:07:28:09:36:50
Last Updated: 1999:07:28:09:36:50