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Synchronous Logon Script in Windows 95

Keywords: 	 Synchronous Logon Script Windows 95


I am trying to write a logon script that executes synchronously. I want to the user to answer the questions in the script before they proceed. On NT Workstaion this is easy -- I just set a registry setting with the Policy Editor. On W95 I can't find an equivalent way.

Do you have any ideas?


A couple of oddities regarding synchronous execution of GUI apps that are launched from the command line or .BAT file in both Win9x and WinNT:
  1. On WinNT, the command line always detaches the GUI app and continues to run without waiting for the GUI app to terminate before the next command line is processed. Use the 'start /wait ...' syntax to achieve synchronous processing of programs started at the command line in your logon BAT file.

  2. On WinNT, .BAT files are processed differently depending on whether or not the "command extensions" have been enabled. When enabled, programs started by .BAT files are handled synchronously. When disabled, programs started by .BAT files are handled asynchronously and the 'start /wait ...' syntax needs to be used to enforce the synchronous behavior.

  3. On Win9x, .BAT files and the command line both behave in an asynchronous manner and you must use the 'start /wait ...' syntax to enforce the synchronous behavior.

Article ID:   W14470
Filename:   Synchronous Logon Script in Windows 95.txt
File Created: 2000:03:27:17:55:52
Last Updated: 2000:03:27:17:55:52