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Novell Netware

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All WB Novell extenders require the Novell Client

netware novell www3x34I.dll www3x16i.dll www4x34I.dll www4x16i.dll NDS 


I am trying to create a script that will run on a PC that came in with Windows95 factory-installed. We first set up the network drivers manually (we are using the Microsoft Service for Netware Directory Services). Then when I go to run the script, I have to use the wwn4x16i.dll extender - the 32-bit extender won't load. Is this because of the Microsoft Service? On my own PC, where I use Novell Client 32, the 16-bit one won't load, and I have to use wwn4x34I.dll.

Is there a way around this so that all the Windows95 PCs can load the 32-bit extender, or is the Novell Client required?


All our Novell extenders require the Novell Client. Our wwn4x34I.dll extender only works with the NOVELL service for NDS.

In you use the MS service, use the WIN32 network extender. Use netAddDrive to map a drive and netCancelCon to mapdelete.

Here are a few exceptions and specifics about using Netware extenders:

  1. If you want to use the Netware extenders (WWW3X34I.DLL, WWW4X34I.DLL, and the corresponding 16-bit ones), you MUST have the Netware Client installed. These won't work with the MS Client.

  2. If you are using the MS Client, use the Win32 Network Extenders, (WWW9534I.DLL, WWWNT34I.DLL), for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Use the Basic Network Extender, www3a16i.dll , with Windows 3.1/3.11 with the MS Client. With these extenders, you can do basic things like attach and map drives, but you can't do things like add members to groups or change passwords. If you need access to these functions in Netware, you'll need to install the Netware client on your workstations.

  3. You can *kind of* get away with using the MS Client with Netware 3, but definitely NOT with Netware 4, which has Netware Directory Services.

  4. The Netware 3 extender works with Netware 4, if you have set up Bindery Emulation Services on your server.

  5. If you're trying to use the old Windows 3.1 16-bit Netware client on Windows 95, you'll need to use the wwn3z34I.dll extender DLL. You definitely CANNOT use the 16-bit Netware client on Windows NT. If you use the WWN3Z34I.DLL, you'll also need NWCALLS.DLL.

    wwn3z34I.dll is a translator DLL to allow the 32 bit Winbatch to use a 16 bit Novell Client on Windows 95.

    It does not work at all on WIndows NT.

  6. To use the WWN3X34I.DLL extender, which is the extender that accesses the Novell commands, you must have the Novell Netware Client installed. If you do NOT have the Novell Netware client installed, and you execute a function like n3map, then you will get the error message, "Unable to locate CALWIN32.DLL". This is a DLL that gets installed by the Novell Netware Client.

Article ID:   W13634
Filename:   !Novell extenders require the Novell Client.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:44:48
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:44:48