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Novell Netware

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Error 124: Drivers not Loaded

Keywords: error 124 drivers not loaded nwcalls.dll

The error message:

Netware 3x  Extender Error 124	  -   Drivers not loaded.

This error means that WinBatch cannot find NWCALLS.DLL or that the DLL is old or corrupted. Other symptoms are the inability to attach to detach to your network.

NWCALLS.DLL must be present, and on the path (or Network path), for WinBatch to use, and must be dated 2/28/94 or later, and at least 146K in size. If NWCALLS.DLL is smaller than 146K, then it may not have been expanded, or may be corrupt.

If there are multiple copies of NWCalls on your network drive, then the network might be using the old versions, even if there are newer ones there. If NetInfo doesn’t recognize a Novell network, then that means that we think it is not installed properly, and the NWCalls.DLL is probably the reason for that. Make sure you can connect to the drive manually from Explorer, or File Manager.

Check for all copies of NWCalls.DLL on the problem machine, and if you find more than one copy, then rename the older, smaller one, to something like NWCALLS.OLD, and try running WinBatch again.

Article ID:   W13595
Filename:   Error 124 Drivers not Loaded.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:04
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:04