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Running as a Service but Need User Rights

Keywords: 	 Running as a Service Need User Rights


Ok, I'm running out of ideas here. We are trying to have a wrapper application that runs when a user connects to McAfee VirusScan's AutoUpgrade tool, which logs the usage to a file on a Novell server. Sounds simple enough and works fine when ran from Explorer/Desktop.

However, here's the catch.. VirusScan on 2k/NT runs AutoUpgrade as a service, which means it can't access, or so it seems to me, network shares that require authentication. Here is the code in question...

If DirExist("\\galaxy\data3\Software\AntiVirus\Statistics") == @True then
I have seen the stuff on wntRunAsUser and the problem is that its going onto remote users machines, and each of them have already authenticated to Novell. Setting up a special account on the Novellserver is not a realistic option.

Any ideas? I've tried spawning external apps, and all of these methods are grandfathered into the system account.


The problem that you are experiencing is caused by the fact that the Novell Client maintains a separate set of NetWare server connections and NDS authentication credentials for each "security context" that exists on a NT/2K system. A security context is defined as containing all processes that exist on the system and which were authenticated using the same set of NT/2K credentials.

The practical application of this is that if you have a WinNT or Win2K system set up in terminal server mode, each user who logs on to the terminal server with a unique username/password also gets their own unique NetWare environment to work with. If there happen to be any services running under the same credentials as an interactive user then those services will also share the same NetWare environment as the interactive user who shares their NT/2K credentials because they will all be running in the same local security context.

In your case, the service is not running under the same credentials as the interactive user so it does not share the user's NetWare environment.

I'm not sure that there is any sort of nice simple solution to your problem since placing a wrapper around a service is much more difficult than placing a wrapper around any sort of regular interactive program that runs on the desktop.

Article ID:   W14894
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:40:52
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:40:52