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String Manipulation

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Insert a String Between the Characters Within a String

 Keywords: udfPad StrInsert strCharCount Insert Character String Between 

#DefineFunction udfPad (strBase, strIns, intMode)
intBaseChars = StrCharCount (strBase)
intInsLen = StrCharCount (strIns)
Switch intMode
Case 0
   intFirst = 2
   intLast = intBaseChars
Case 1
   intFirst = 1
   intLast = intBaseChars
Case 2
   intFirst = 2
   intLast = intBaseChars + 1
Case 3
   intFirst = 1
   intLast = intBaseChars + 1
Case intMode
   Return strBase
For intPos = intLast To intFirst By -1
   strBase = StrInsert (strBase, strIns, "", intPos, intInsLen)
Return strBase
; This UDF "udfPad" inserts a string between the characters within a string.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20121120.

Article ID:   W18389
Filename:   Insert a String Between the Characters Within a String..txt
File Created: 2012:11:20:13:58:02
Last Updated: 2012:11:20:13:58:02