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String Manipulation

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#DefineFunction StrReplaceWild(Str,Old,New)
i = StrIndexWild(Str,Old,1)
While i
   fl = StrLenWild(Str,Old,i)
   fs = StrSub(Str,i,fl)
   w = StrIndex(Old,"*",1,@FWDSCAN)
   ws = StrSub(fs,w,StrCharCount(fs) - StrCharCount(Old) + 1)
   rs = StrReplace(New,"*",ws)
   rsl = StrCharCount(rs)
   Str = StrCat(StrSub(Str,1,i - 1),rs,StrSub(Str,i + fl,-1))
   i = StrIndexWild(Str,Old,i+rsl)
Return Str

InStr = StrCat('img src="../gif_css/red.gif" height="10" width="12">',@CRLF,'img src="../gif_css/yellow.gif" height="10" width="12">')
OutStr = StrReplaceWild(InStr,'img src="*" height="10" width="12">','img src="*" alt="" height="10" width="12">')

Article ID:   W16742
File Created: 2006:11:06:09:12:10
Last Updated: 2006:11:06:09:12:10