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 Keywords: IsTextUnicode Text Unicode String Get Check ANSI  

#DefineFunction udfIsTextUnicode (strFilename)
intBBsize = FileSize (strFilename, 1)
If intBBsize == "0" Then Return @FALSE
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBsize)
intBytesRead = BinaryRead (hdlBB, strFilename)
blnTestPassed = DllCall ("Advapi32.dll", long : "IsTextUnicode", lpbinary : hdlBB, long : intBBSize, lpnull)
;blnTestPassed = DllCall ("Unicows.dll", long : "IsTextUnicode", lpbinary : hdlBB, long : intBBSize, lpnull)
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return blnTestPassed
; This Function "udfIsTextUnicode" returns a boolean value which indicates if a given file is likely to contain a form of Unicode text or not.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20030701.20100114.

; Test.

strFolderTemp = ShortCutDir ("Local Settings", 0, 1) : "Temp\"
strFileAnsi = strFolderTemp : "out.ansi.txt"
strFileUC = strFolderTemp : "out.uc.txt"

intResult1 = RunHideWait ("cmd.exe", "/c dir /-p *.* >""" : strFileAnsi : """")
intResult2 = RunHideWait ("cmd.exe", "/u /c dir /-p *.* >""" : strFileUC : """")

strText1 = FileGet (strFileAnsi)
strText2 = FileGet (strFileUC)

strText1 = StrSub (strText1, 1, 50)
strText2 = StrSub (strText2, 1, 50)

blnResult1 = udfIsTextUnicode (strFileAnsi) ; 0 = @FALSE.
blnResult2 = udfIsTextUnicode (strFileUC)   ; 1 = @TRUE.

strMsgTitle = "Test: Ansi - Unicode"
strMsgText = "Ansi:" : @LF : """" : strText1 : """" : @LF : "IsUnicode: " : blnResult1 : @LF : @LF : "Unicode:" : @LF : """" : strText2 : """" : @LF : "IsUnicode: " : blnResult2
Message (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)



I want to make a comment regarding IsTextUnicode API, because this function is a "try to guess" and it is not guaranteed that the result is always the correct status of the actual situation. That should be known and taken into account.

Please read:

Article ID:   W18394
Filename:   udfIsTextUnicode.txt
File Created: 2010:02:16:09:58:40
Last Updated: 2010:02:16:09:58:40