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String Manipulation

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 Keywords: Encode TEXT  HTML 

#DefineFunction udfHTMLEncode(text)
   oRegExp = ObjectCreate("VBScript.RegExp") ; Creates a regular expression object for use by WinBatch.
   oRegExp.Pattern = "[ a-zA-Z0-9]"  ; Required to establish a regular expression pattern to use in searching.
   sHtml = ""
   For x = 1 To StrLen(text)
      char = StrSub( text, x, 1)
      If ! oRegExp.Test(char)
          char = "&#" : Char2Num(char) : ";"
      sHtml = sHtml : char
   oRegExp = 0
   Return sHtml

file = 'D:\temp\test.html'
html = udfHTMLEncode("This is a test: ! < > &")
FilePut( file, html )
Run( file, '')

Article ID:   W18393
Filename:   udfHTMLEncode.txt
File Created: 2009:03:11:13:59:52
Last Updated: 2009:03:11:13:59:52