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String Manipulation

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 Keywords: search find check exist existance sub-string string array binary buffer fast 

;udfStringsExist : checks the existance of a sub-string(s) with in another string ;
;                                                                                ;
;mainstring      : the string to search for the sub-string.                      ;
;arrayofstrings  : and array of string to search for                             ;
;                                                                                 ;
;returns         : @true if any one sub-string exists in the string,             ;
;                  @false if non of the sub-string(s) exist in the string         ;
;                                                                                 ;

#DefineFunction udfStringsExist(mainstring, arrayofstrings)
   retval = 0
   ; load string into binary buffer
   bb = BinaryAlloc( StrByteCount( mainstring, -1 ) )
   BinaryPokeStr(bb, 0, mainstring)
   ; loop through each string in the array and search the binary buffer
   For xx = 0 To ArrInfo(arrayofstrings, 1 )-1
       str = arrayofstrings[xx]
       ;retval = BinaryIndex( bb, 0, str, @Fwdscan ) ;search for string
       retval = BinaryIndexEx(bb, 0, str, @FWDSCAN, 0 )       ;search for string (not case sensitive)
       If retval != -1
          retval = @TRUE ; if found force @true
          Break ; return immediately
   ; free binary buffer
   If retval == -1 Then retval = 0 ; if not found force @false
   Return retval

mainstring = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
lookfor = '- ! @ # $ %% & ^ * ( ) _ +' ; should return 0
lookfor = 'a b c' ; should return 1
lookfor = '0' ; should return 1
lookfor = 'z' ; should return 1

arrayofstrings=Arrayize(lookfor,' ')

result = udfStringsExist(mainstring, arrayofstrings)
Pause('udfStringExist', result)

Article ID:   W18395
Filename:   udfStringsExist .txt
File Created: 2009:09:04:11:58:30
Last Updated: 2009:09:04:11:58:30