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String Manipulation

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UDF Wildcard String Compare

Keywords: 	 UDF Wildcard String Compare

Here's a wildcard compare UDF...

; Compare a Text String to a wildcard. 
;   Return @TRUE if it matches,  @FALSE if no match.
; * ... zero or more of any characters at this point 
; ? ... one of any character at this point.
#DefineFunction WildStringCompare(Text, Wild) 
if (Wild == "") then return @TRUE ; Empty wildcard = TRUE
if (Wild == "*") then return @TRUE ; "*" matches anything
while (1) 
   if (Wild == "")                     ; if end of wildcard is also 
       if (Text == "")then return @TRUE ; end of Text, we match.
       return @FALSE;

   Cw = StrSub(Wild,1,1)       ; Character of wildcard
   if (Cw == '*')              ; Is it "*"?
      Wild = StrSub(Wild,2,-1) ; Bump wildcard to next position.
      while (1)                ; See if we can match the rest
          if (WildStringCompare(Text, Wild))  then Return @TRUE
          if (Text == "")               then Return @FALSE 
          Text = StrSub(Text,2,-1) 

   if (Cw == '?')              ; A question mark matches anything
       if (Text == "") Then Return @FALSE;
       Text = StrSub(Text,2,-1)
       Wild = StrSub(Wild,2,-1)

   if (StrSub(Text,1,1) != Cw) Then Return @FALSE;
   Wild = StrSub(Wild,2,-1)
   Text = StrSub(Text,2,-1)

Article ID:   W15324
File Created: 2004:05:17:10:34:50
Last Updated: 2004:05:17:10:34:50