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OLE with Excel

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COM: Test Use with Excel WorksheetFunction Object

Keywords:   COM: Test Use with Excel WorksheetFunction Object

; Winbatch COM: Test Use with Excel WorksheetFunction Object
; The WorksheetFunction Object is called via the Application Object
; and is used to provide results from most VB functions available
; to Excel.  Examples I have seen of this Object are with
; compound command lines,
; ApplicationObject.WorkSheetFunction.Function( parameters )
; and since Winbatch does not currently handle compound commands
; I am testing a standard method of 'breaking dowm the dots'
; The Example creates a small range in Excel then extracts the
; minimum value in that range to a variable. Not the most exciting
; example; however the implications are enormous as supported functions
; are:
; Acos()
; Acosh()
; And()
; Asin()
; Asinh()
; Atan2()
; Atanh()
; AveDev()
; Average()
; BetaDist()
; BetaInv()
; BinomDist()
; Ceiling()
; ChiDist()
; ChiInv()
; ChiTest()
; Choose()
; Clean()
; Combin()
; Confidence()
; Correl()
; Cosh()
; Count()
; CountA()
; CountBlank()
; CountIf()
; Covar()
; CritBinom()
; DAverage()
; Days360()
; Db()
; DCount()
; DCountA()
; Ddb()
; Degrees()
; DevSq()
; DGet()
; DMax()
; DMin()
; Dollar()
; DProduct()
; DStDev()
; DStDevP()
; DSum()
; DVar()
; DVarP()
; Even()
; ExponDist()
; Fact()
; FDist()
; Find()
; FindB()
; FInv()
; Fisher()
; FisherInv()
; Fixed()
; Floor()
; Forecast()
; Frequency()
; FTest()
; Fv()
; GammaDist()
; GammaInv()
; GammaLn()
; GeoMean()
; Growth()
; HarMean()
; HLookup()
; HypGeomDist()
; Index()
; Intercept()
; Ipmt()
; Irr()
; IsErr()
; IsError()
; IsLogical()
; IsNA()
; IsNonText()
; IsNumber()
; Ispmt()
; IsText()
; Kurt()
; Large()
; LinEst()
; Ln()
; Log()
; Log10()
; LogEst()
; LogInv()
; LogNormDist()
; Lookup()
; Match()
; Max()
; MDeterm()
; Median()
; Min()
; MInverse()
; MIrr()
; MMult()
; Mode()
; NegBinomDist()
; NormDist()
; NormInv()
; NormSDist()
; NormSInv()
; NPer()
; Npv()
; Odd()
; Or()
; Pearson()
; Percentile()
; PercentRank()
; Permut()
; Phonetic()
; Pi()
; Pmt()
; Poisson()
; Power()
; Ppmt()
; Prob()
; Product()
; Proper()
; Pv()
; Quartile()
; Radians()
; Rank()
; Rate()
; Replace()
; ReplaceB()
; Rept()
; Roman()
; Round()
; RoundDown()
; RoundUp()
; RSq()
; Search()
; SearchB()
; Sinh()
; Skew()
; Sln()
; Slope()
; Small()
; Standardize()
; StDev()
; StDevP()
; StEyx()
; Substitute()
; Subtotal()
; Sum()
; SumIf()
; SumProduct()
; SumSq()
; SumX2MY2()
; SumX2PY2()
; SumXMY2()
; Syd()
; Tanh()
; TDist()
; Text()
; TInv()
; Transpose()
; Trend()
; Trim()
; TrimMean()
; TTest()
; USDollar()
; Var()
; VarP()
; Vdb()
; VLookup()
; Weekday()
; Weibull()
; ZTest()
; With this functionality you can position a WB multi-dimensional array
; or a LAFF db into a 'hidden' worksheet and perform multiple
; calculations or data manipulations, i.e. determine the min and max
; values of the 3rd element in a 5 element array, or set up a WB
; dialog to calculate a home mortgage payment. (just an idea)
; Stan Littlefield - November 17, 2002

#DefineFunction PutData( oWS, r,c,val )
oCell            = oWS.Cells(r,c)
oCell.Value      = val
ObjectClose( oCell )
Return( "" )

; assumes Excel is installed, no error checking
BoxOpen("WorkSheetFunction Demo...","Please Wait")
DB               = ObjectOpen("Excel.Application")
DB.Visible       = @FALSE         ;we don't need to see this
DB.ScreenUpdating= @FALSE         ;and we want it to run fast
DB.UserControl   = @TRUE
DB.DisplayAlerts = @FALSE
oAPP             = DB.Workbooks
oXLS             = oAPP.add
oWS              = oXLS.Worksheets("Sheet1")

oRange           = oWS.Range( "A1:A5" ) ; select data range

; break down the object and apply a function
oWF              = DB.WorkSheetFunction
answer           = oWF.Min( oRange )
message("Minimum Value - Range A1:A5",answer)

ObjectClose( oWF )
ObjectClose( oRange )
ObjectClose( oWS )
ObjectClose( oXLS )
ObjectClose( oAPP )
DB.Quit               ; worksheet used as scratchpad
ObjectClose(DB)       ; no need to save it

; end of script

Article ID:   W15625
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:29:18
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:29:18