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Rename Existing Excel Worksheet

 Keywords:  Rename Existing Excel Worksheet XLS XLSX


I would like to rename an existing worksheet in and excel file and save it. Any ideas please?


Here is some sample code to get you started:
sheetname = 'My New Sheet Name'
ExcelFileName = "D:\temp\DATA\Excel-Random-Numbers-Test.xlsx"

;Open Excel application Object
Excel = ObjectCreate("Excel.Application")
Excel.visible = @TRUE

; Open Existing Workbook

; Rename First Worksheet
Excel.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1).name  = sheetname
Message('Done', 'Renaming first worksheet')

; Close Object Handles
Excel = 0

Article ID:   W18112
Filename:   Rename Existing Excel Worksheet .txt
File Created: 2009:06:24:11:29:18
Last Updated: 2009:06:24:11:29:18