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OLE with Excel

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Reference a Specific Excel Workbook Instance

; Winbatch - Excel Object Reference Test
; Given that an Excel workbook might be loaded as a 2nd or third instance 
; of the Application Object, using CreateObject("Excel Application") will not
; allow you to manipulate that workbook from within Winbatch. A workaround would
; be to use GetObject() with the fully-qualified pathname. However, there is one
; caveat and two possible error traps.
; Caveat: Using GetObject(XLFile) returns a Workbook Object, not an Application Object
; Error Traps: The workbook is not loaded as an instance, but another instance of 
;              Excel is loaded.
;              No instancs of Excel are loaded
; NOTE: this script looks for and utilizes tn.wsc which it will create if it
;       does not exist.
gosub udfs


; indicate the file you will be looking for  
cBook = "C:\Projects\Automation\RegTest\TestData\Cat320.xls"  ; substitute your own name 
                           ; test by (1) loading it as a second instance of Excel
                           ; (2) load as the only instance
                           ; (3) do not load, load another workbook instead
                           ; (4) have no Excel instanes loaded
                           ; (5) load Excel, open cBook, then open a second workbook
                           ; (6) use the WB GetObject(), not the wsc GetApp()
                           ; (7) load excel, do not open any workbooks

; extract file name and check for file on disk
cFile = StrUpper( FileRoot(cBook) )
If ! FileExist(cBook)
   display(1,cBook,"Does Not Exist")
   goto end

; initiate (and optionally create) a wsc with needed functions
;cWsc = StrCat(dirscript(),"tn.wsc")
;If ! FileExist(cWsc)
;   CrTn(cWsc)
;oObj = GetObject(StrCat("script:",cWsc)) 
; declare an Excel Object variable and attemt to retrieve instance with a call
; to a function in the wsc - because the wsc function can retrieve an Object at the
; Application level
;oXL = oObj.GetApp(cBook)

; as an alternative, use WB, but oXL will be returned as a WorkBook
; comment the GetApp line above and uncomment next line to test 

; td - get the workbook
oWorkBook = GetObject(cBook)

; td - Use the Workbook's applicatioin method to get the application object.
oXL = oWorkBook.Application()

;Free the Workbook object
oWorkBook = 0

; td - basically I am lazy 

If !( VarType(oXL) &1536)==1536  Then goto end ; function call failed
;cType = StrUpper( oObj.GetTn(oXL) ) ; Determine Objects 'typename' - something Winbatch
                                    ; cannot do	  td - And in this case does not need to.

; now process alternatives to see how to proceed
If cType == "WORKBOOK"  ; you used the WB's GetObject()
   cName =  StrUpper( oXL.Name )
   If StrIndex(cName,cFile,0,@FWDSCAN) Then display(2,cBook,"Has been successfully attached")
   ; now do whatever processing you have to but remember
   ; use oXL.Close() NOT oXL.Quit() since it is a Workbook Object
   goto end

If cType == "APPLICATION"  
   ; first, check if it's a bogus Application Object
   If oXL.WorkBooks.Count < 1
      ; maybe it's loaded but no workbooks loaded
      If oXL.Visible
         display(2,"Excel is Active","No WorkBooks are Open")
         display(1,"Initiate Failed","Excel is Not Loaded")
      goto end
   ; now check if the workbook you are after is loaded
   ; TD - this will fail with Excel 10, if Excel is not running when you start the script.
	;      Apparently Excel does not consider new empty workbook to be active even though
	;      it retuns a count of 1 from the call to  "oXL.WorkBooks.Count".  This can be
	;      addressed in several ways, including just trapping the error or checking the 
	;      return value something like following:
	;     if oXL.ActiveWorkbook == 0 then message("Excel Workbook", "No active workbook found.")
	cName =  StrUpper( oXL.ActiveWorkbook.Name )

   If StrIndex(cName,cFile,0,@FWDSCAN) Then display(2,cBook,"Loaded as Active Instance")
   If ! StrIndex(cName,cFile,0,@FWDSCAN) Then display(2,cBook,"Not loaded, But %cName% is")
   ; ok, so maybe it's loaded as an inactive workbook
   isFound = 0
   If oXL.WorkBooks.Count >1  
      ForEach w in oXL.WorkBooks        
         If StrIndex(StrUpper(w.Name),cFile,0,@FWDSCAN) Then isFound = 1
   If isfound Then display(2,cBook,"Is loaded but Not The Active Workbook")
   ; and you would have to make it active

   goto end

display(2,"Unable To Continue","Excel is Not Active")

oXL = 0


If LastError() == 1129
   Display(2,"GetObject Failed","Excel Cannot be Initialzed")


#DefineFunction CrTn(cWsc)
If FileExist(cWsc) Then Return(0)
var = StrCat('',@CRLF,"",@CRLF,'',@CRLF)
var = StrCat(var,'',@CRLF,'',@CRLF)
var = StrCat(var,'',@CRLF,'	',@CRLF,'		',@CRLF,'	',@CRLF)
var = StrCat(var,'  ',@CRLF,'		',@CRLF,' 	',@CRLF,'',@CRLF)
var = StrCat(var,'',@CRLF)
var = StrCat(var,'',@CRLF,'',@CRLF)

#DefineSubroutine ErrorProcessing(deleteIni,showerr,logfile)  
WbError = LastError()
WbTextcode = WbError
If WbError==1668||WbError==2669||WbError==3670
   ; 1668 ; "Minor user-defined error"
   ; 2669 ; "Moderate user-defined error"
   ; 3670 ; "Severe user-defined error"
   WbError = ItemExtract(1,IntControl(34,-1,0,0,0),":")
   WbTextcode = -1
WbErrorString = IntControl(34,WbTextcode,0,0,0)
WbErrorDateTime = TimeYmdHms()
WbErrorFile = StrCat(DirWindows(0),"WWWBATCH.INI")
If deleteIni
   IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"CurrentScript",WbErrorHandlerFile      ,WbErrorFile)
   IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ErrorValue"   ,WbError                 ,WbErrorFile)
   IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ErrorString"  ,WbErrorString           ,WbErrorFile)
   IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ScriptLine"   ,WbErrorHandlerLine      ,WbErrorFile)
   IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ScriptOffset" ,WbErrorHandlerOffset    ,WbErrorFile)
   IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"VarInSegment" ,WbErrorInSegment,WbErrorFile)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorDateTime,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Current Script: ",WbErrorHandlerFile,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Error# [",WbError,"]",@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Error Text: ",wberrortextstring,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"[Extended Information] ",wberroradditionalinfo,@CRLF,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"On Line:",@CRLF,WbErrorHandlerLine,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Offset: ",WbErrorHandlerOffset,@CRLF)
If (WbErrorHandlerAssignment>"") Then %WbErrorHandlerAssignment% = "UNKNOWN"
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Assignment/Variable: ",WbErrorHandlerAssignment,@CRLF)
If (WbErrorInSegment>"") Then WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"In UDF/UDS: ",WbErrorInSegment,@CRLF)
If logfile
   cSep = StrCat(StrFill("=",50),@CRLF)
   cLogFile = StrCat(dirscript(),"log.err")
   If ! FileExist(cLogFile) Then FilePut(cLogFile,StrCat("Error Log",@CRLF,cSep))
If showerr Then Message("wbErrorHandler",WbErrorMsgText)


Article ID:   W16624
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:40
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:40