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Create Excel Addin


I have an .xla file that I need to add to everyone's excel as an Add-in. Does anyone know of any code that will help me do this?

I checked the tech database, but all I saw was code to query for Addins already installed.


Here's some code that should work.
sAddinFile = "C:\TestAddin\TestToolbar.xla" ;The addin file to add to Excel
If FileExist(sAddinFile)
   oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
   If oXL == 0 Then Exit
   oXL.Visible = @FALSE ; change to @TRUE to run visable
   oXL.ScreenUpdating = @FALSE ; if running visable, change to @TRUE
   oXL.UserControl = @FALSE
   oXL.DisplayAlerts = @FALSE

   objAddins = oXL.AddIns()
   objAddin = ObjAddins.Add(sAddinFile)
   objAddin.Installed = @TRUE

Article ID:   W17147
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:30
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:30