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OLE with Excel

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Working with Excels Built-in Dialogs

 Keywords: Excel Dialogs xldialog.wbt

This script works with Excel's built-in dialogs. In this example, you can move a worksheet and then email a copy of the worksheet.
; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; Winbatch OLE - Working with Excel's built-in dialogs
; script assumes you are working with a workbook that is not
; visible, but you might want to perform various tasks like
; moving a worksheet, or emailing the workbook/

; rather than devising a custom control, or invoking an
; addition WB Extender, like Postie, your just make a call
; to a built-in Dialog ( there are a lot of them )

; in the example, a blank workbook is created, but
; you could easily change the script to load one of your own

; Stan Littlefield, December 22, 2002
; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

xlDialogSendMail     = 189
xlDialogWorkbookCopy = 283
DB                   = ObjectOpen("Excel.Application")
DB.Visible           = @FALSE
DB.UserControl       = @FALSE
DB.DisplayAlerts     = @FALSE
oAPP                 = DB.Workbooks
oXLS                 = oAPP.add

; for testing
message("Testing Excel Dialogs", "I have a workbook, and I want to Move it")

oDialog              = DB.Dialogs( xlDialogWorkbookCopy )
;must reset the Visible Property
DB.Visible           = @FALSE
message("Testing Excel Dialogs", "Now I want to email it")

oDialog              = DB.Dialogs( xlDialogSendMail )
DB.Visible           = @FALSE

ObjectClose( oDialog )
ObjectClose( oXLS )
ObjectClose( oAPP )


Article ID:   W15646
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:29:22
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:29:22