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OLE with Excel

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Extract Data from specific Range in Closed Excel WorkBook

;// Winbatch - Extract Data from specific Range in Closed Excel WorkBook
;              Using ADO
;   Rather than use the Excel Application Object and physically open
;   a workbook then loop through cells to get data from a range
;   perform an ADO query. In this example, we use GetRows() to 
;   process a 2-dimensional array and WB's ArrayFilePutCSV() to save 
;   the data to a file
; Stan Littlefield, June 7, 2004 [please retain this header]

;/// The Big Question: Why Not Just Use Excel? ///////////////////////////////
; First, this sample is not a replacement or touted as better than, it is
; more an alternative.  If you just need to get a small range of data out of
; a closed worksheet, this works well. If you use the Excel.Application object,
; have visible=@FALSE, and something goes wrong, you can end up with an orphan,
; have to re-boot, or answer questions as to why further attempts to open the
; worksheet say "Read-Only".
; Performing ADO queries with Excel has a few syntax quirks, and the sample
; has given several options which you can mix-and-match to view the results

;// Set Up Error Handler and Check For Files //
cXLS = StrCat( FilePath(IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0)),"ClosedXLS.XLS")
If ! FileExist(cXLS) Then exit
cOut = StrReplace( StrUpper(cXLS),"XLS","TXT")
If FileExist(cOut) Then FileDelete(cOut)
BoxOpen("Please Wait","Extracting Excel Range From Closed WorkBook")

;// The Connection String - test either by commenting out the other ///
; create Coonection String with Excel Driver
Conn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};ReadOnly=1;DBQ=%cXLS%;"
; or the OLEDB Provider [check if you have Excel 8.0 or 9.0 installed]
;Conn= "Provider=MicroSoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=%cXLS%; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
;////////// Connection String Selected //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

;// Create Connection Object and define data ranges //
DB = ObjectCreate("ADODB.Connection")
sheet = "Sales"       ;valid WorkSheet Name
range = "CarSales"    ;valid Range Name                           
range1 = "A4:F10"     ;actual range (in this case for CarSales)
createHeader = 1

;// Choose a method to get obtain the data - syntax is important
;// and the [ ] brackets should be used as shown
; to obtain just the named range
RS = DB.Execute("Select * FROM %range%;")
; to obtain from a range within a sheet
;RS = DB.Execute("Select * FROM [%sheet%$%range1%];")
; to obtain the whole sheet
;RS = DB.Execute("Select * FROM [%sheet%$];")
;///// Data Has Been Selected From Range or Sheet //////////////////////

;// since you are saving as CSV, this will create Headers
;// Note: in this example, if you select the entire sheet
;//       the headers may look confusing
h = ""
If createHeader
   ForEach f in RS.Fields
      h = StrCat(h,f.Name,",")
   h = StrSub(h,1,Strlen(h)-1)

; send data to Winbatch Array and display it
ArrayFilePutCSV(cOut , RS.GetRows() , ",", @FALSE,2)
FilePut(cOut,StrCat(h,@CRLF,FileGet(cOut)) )
Message("Data For Range %range%",FileGet(cOut))

;// Close Object and Clear
RS = 0
DB = 0

If RS<>0 Then RS=0
IF DB<>0 Then DB=0
WbError = LastError()
WbTextcode = WbError
If WbError==1668||WbError==2669||WbError==3670
   ; 1668 ; "Minor user-defined error"
   ; 2669 ; "Moderate user-defined error"
   ; 3670 ; "Severe user-defined error"
   WbError = ItemExtract(1,IntControl(34,-1,0,0,0),":")
   WbTextcode = -1
WbErrorString = IntControl(34,WbTextcode,0,0,0)
WbErrorDateTime = StrCat(TimeYmdHms(),"|",StrFixLeft(GetTickCount()," ",10))

WbErrorFile = StrCat(DirWindows(0),"WWWBATCH.INI")
IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"CurrentScript",WbErrorHandlerFile      ,WbErrorFile)
IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ErrorValue"   ,WbError                 ,WbErrorFile)
IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ErrorString"  ,WbErrorString           ,WbErrorFile)
IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ScriptLine"   ,WbErrorHandlerLine      ,WbErrorFile)
IniWritePvt(WbErrorDateTime,"ScriptOffset" ,WbErrorHandlerOffset    ,WbErrorFile)

WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorDateTime,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Current Script: ",WbErrorHandlerFile,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"LastError #:",WbError,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"Error Text: ",wberrortextstring,@CRLF)
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"[Additional] ",wberroradditionalinfo,@CRLF,@CRLF)
; Line in script that caused Error.
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"WbErrorHandlerLine:",@CRLF,WbErrorHandlerLine,@CRLF)
; Offset into script of error line, in bytes.
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"WbErrorHandlerOffset: ",WbErrorHandlerOffset,@CRLF)
; Variable being assigned on error line, or "" if none.
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"WbErrorHandlerAssignment: ",WbErrorHandlerAssignment,@CRLF)
If (WbErrorHandlerAssignment>"") Then %WbErrorHandlerAssignment% = "UNKNOWN"
WbErrorMsgText = StrCat(WbErrorMsgText,"[Error Copied To Clipboard]")

Article ID:   W16616
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:38
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:38