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OLE with Excel

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Excel Pastespecial Cell using OLE

Keywords: 	  Excel Paste Special Cell OLE  pastespecial


Can someone give me an example of performing a copy and pastespecial for values from one cell to another using OLE objects? I'm trying to copy the value from a cell with a function to another cell. Thanks.


Try this puppy, it starts excel opens a blank workbook and puts values in the first column, then copies them over to the 3rd column...

1 and 3 work ok, but the =NOW() function looks a little funky. You might try recording a new macro copy/paste special by hand, then go in and edit the macro and see what VBA has to say...

;       Start excel here
excelxls = objectopen("Excel.Application")
excelxls.visible = @true
rptxls = excelxls.workbooks

actSheet = excelxls.activesheet

xlsvalues = "77;=now();=11+22+33"

for y = 1 to 3
        val = itemextract(y, xlsvalues, ";")
        cells = actSheet.cells(y, 1)
        cells.value = val

xlFormulas = -4123

for y = 1 to 3
        cells = actSheet.cells(y, 1)
        newcell = actSheet.cells(y, 3)


Article ID:   W14692
Filename:   Excel Paste  Special.txt
File Created: 2000:10:10:10:38:16
Last Updated: 2000:10:10:10:38:16