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OLE with Excel

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Excel Signature Worksheet

Keywords: 	 excel 'signature' worksheet

Download 5 million records from an AS400, sort and manipulate them into a summary Excel file and you are fine with that - but accountants and financial types often require you to enumerate your assumptions, and give a step-by-step description of the 'project'.

To that end, I created a front end template were I could place that information then add on the necessary data sheets. In the example I attached, the script uses an INI file and reads from ASCII text files, but I will probably end up using an Access or Oracle log file keyed on the workbook name.

The script uses the ini entries to load the template, read in the data and re-save to another XLS, so you will have to modify the 'paths' in the ini to test it out.

It needs some polish, probably need to strip out LineFeeds or word-wraps [ is that CHR(141)? ] prior to inserting into the Text Object.

Other may find this useful for documentation requirements they may have.


Article ID:   W14927
File Created: 2017:08:29:11:58:46
Last Updated: 2017:08:29:11:58:46