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Excel Print Landscape Scaled problem


I am trying to setup an Excel table with the the print layout to be Landscape and scale the output so that the table width fits onto a single page.

I added the .Orientation property and that fixed the landscape.

The .FitToPagesTall/Wide appear to setup the parameters for the scaling but when you print preview the FitToPage parameters are set but the Scale Adjust option is ticked so these parameters are ignored.

I decided to set the .Zoom property to False but I keep receiving the error "Unable to set the Zoom Property of the PageSetup Class".

What am I doing wrong?

Below is the code I am using to setup the print:

ObjPage = ActiveSheet.PageSetup()
ObjPage.Orientation = xlLandscape
ObjPage.FitToPagesTall = 10
ObjPage.FitToPagesWide = 1
ObjPage.Zoom = @False


The Excel does not programmatically provide detailed type information for the Zoom property. It will accept either a boolean or a number so you probably need to help WB out a little. Try using the ObjectType function to specify that you want the @False to be interpreted as a boolean.
ObjPage.Zoom = ObjectType("BOOL", @FALSE)

User Reply:

Many Thanks That has fixed the Problem.
Article ID:   W17153
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:30
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:30