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OLE with Excel

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Excel 2000 - Inserting Hyperlinks with OLE

Keywords:   Excel 2000 - Inserting Hyperlinks with OLE


How do you insert and hyperlink into an excel worksheet using the OLE interface?


assuming oWS is the Current WorkSheet, something like
oACT= DB.ActiveWorkbook
oWKS= DB.Worksheets
oWS= DB.Worksheets(2)
;oCell = oWS.Range("A%CounterTPage%")
;oCell.Value = "%HoldYYYYMMDD%"
oH = oWs.Hyperlinks
oRange = oWs.Range("A5")
oH.Add(:: Anchor=oRange,Address="",ScreenTip="The Winbatch URL",TextToDisplay:="Support")
Should get you on the right track.

Make sure you have Winbatch 2001 or later for this to work. It will not work in previous versions of Winbatch before some OLE additions were made.

Question: (cont'd)

Where can I find documentation on this subject?


Microsoft Excel Objects Add method as it applies to the Hyperlinks object.:

Adds a hyperlink to the specified range or shape. Returns a Hyperlink object.

expression.Add(Anchor, Address, SubAddress, ScreenTip, TextToDisplay)
expression   Required. An expression that returns a Hyperlinks object.

Anchor   Required Object. The anchor for the hyperlink. Can be either a Range or Shape object.

Address  Required String. The address of the hyperlink.

SubAddress  Optional Variant. The subaddress of the hyperlink.

ScreenTip   Optional Variant. The screen tip to be displayed when the mouse pointer is paused over the hyperlink.

TextToDisplay  Optional Variant. The text to be displayed for the hyperlink.

When you specify the TextToDisplay argument, the text must be a string.

Article ID:   W14928
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:41:00
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:41:00