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Add Workstation to Workstation Group


I need to add a workstation to a workstation group. Can I use the nwAddUserToGroup function for this task?


I'm not 100% certain. Adding a user to a group involves 4 separate attribute value modifications. I need to see examine workstation objects and workstation groups to see if they use the same attribute names in the same way as users & user groups. I'll le tyou know what I find out....

I did some investigating on a test server running NetWare v6.0 SP3 [w/eDir v8.7.1] and ZfD v3.2 SP2 and a WinXP SP1a Pro system running Novell Client v4.9 SP1a. After registering the workstation in eDirectory, I used ConsoleOne v1.3.6 to create a workstation group and then I added the workstation to the workstation group. After examining the attributes and their values for both the workstation object and the workstation group object, I determined that the information being managed in that situation is identical to what is being managed when adding a user to a group.

So, it appears to be just fine to use nwAddUserToGroup() to add a workstation to a workstation group. I verified that the code in the NetWareX extender that implements nwAddUserToGroup() does not do any testing of the object class values for the user or group object, so it won't cough & die on you just because you've passed it a workstation instead of a user and a workstation group instead of a group.

There is one big caveat to mention. It is possible to use nwAddUserToGroup() to add a user to a workstation group or a workstation to a regular group. I can't say ahead of time exactly what will happen if you do this, so you are completely on your own if you do this in your own NDS/eDdir tree.

Article ID:   W16052
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:36
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:36