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NwGetSrvParam problems


We are using the NwGetSrvParam func tion to return some information about settings - and ran into an odd issue when returning categories. When you specify a request of 1 (the catchall) like in the Fast example code, you get your data like so:
SetCmdList = nwGetSrvParm2 SetCmdCtx,1,'*')
That SetCmdList seems to, well, jumble up the categories. For example, it puts alot of the time data under the TTS category. So when you look at your output CSV (included), it seems to organize set commands under unrelated categories. So time zone, instead of being under the time category, ends up under the Trans Tracking category, like:


Interesting. I was able to observe the same results running the nwGetSrvParam() sample code [case #2] against my NetWare v6.0 SP2 test server. However, when I run the same code against my NetWare v5.1 SP5 test server, I see all of the TIMESYNC related SET command names & values being listed under the category "TIME" rather than "TRANSACTION TRACKING".

I'm going to chalk this up to a NetWare server problem and not a NetWareX extender bug. I'll make some inquiries about this issue with Novell, but I don't expect there to be any immediate fix for the problem. You'll simply need to write some exception handling code to handle this situation when it occurs.


I've been making some interesting discoveries regarding this problem. It appears during the time in which a single incarnation of the NetWare O.S. is up & running that it is possible for the #'s associated [internally] with SET command categories to change. For example, sometimes the category # changes between when the server is booting and after the server is done booting. I've received comments from other NetWare software developers that they, too, have observed this behavior in some cases. However, nobody has been able to determine why this happens or if there is even a really good work-around to bypass the problem.

So far, it looks like it is a bug within NetWare itself.

Article ID:   W16063
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:38
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:38