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nwListObjects and 273 Error

Keywords:   nwListObjects and 273 Error


I want to extract all users of a netware NDS container.

when I debug I get always:

EXTENDER ERROR SUPPRESSED =>273 (273: NetWareX Extender: No such NDS object was found)
The Object exists, and it is the primary user container.

I use following:

users_list = nwListObjects("USERS.HQ.B4.ZUR.EU.MYCOMPANY","","User",0,"")


What is your current context set to in the script?

Use nwGetContext() to determine this.

My best guess at this time is that because the value "USERS.HQ.B4.ZUR.EU.MYCOMPANY" is a RDN value [no leading dot "." to make it a DN value], the name of the base object is being built relative to your current context. The result of this would be an invalid object DN value.

If the base object name is supposed to be a fully qualified DN value, then put a leading dot "." on it. Doing this tells the Novell Client's NDS API functions not to append the current context onto the object name before passing the request out to NDS servers on the network.

Article ID:   W15574
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:29:02
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:29:02