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Attributes for User NDS Object


I have been working with Winbatch for years and have used the Netware Extenders to work with Groups. I would like to create a new user using Winbatch. I am looking for a reference document that would outline its attributes so I can plug them into the nwaddobject command.

The values I use when setting up a new users are:

NDS Password (I set password so user cannot change it and it is required)
Email Address
Home Directory
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Surname and the CN [object name] are the required attribute values that must be present when the object is added. Everything else is optional.

For more detailed information about object classes and their defined attributes, you'll need to use the eDirectory Schema Reference docs. Here's how to get started.

This link takes you to Novell's developer support web site:

On that site, the NDK [Novell Developer Kit] contains the necessary online docs.

Here's the link directly to the schema reference:

From there, you're on your own in terms of reading and understanding the docs. Remember that object classes can inherit attributes from a base class, so attributes may be part of the actual object class definition or may come from base classes back up the chain of hierarchy.

Article ID:   W17078
File Created: 2012:10:10:15:43:50
Last Updated: 2012:10:10:15:43:50