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NetwareX Extender

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Mac Address with NetwareX extender

Keywords:      Mac Address


With the new NetwareX extender, there isn't no more the useful function 'n4GetNetAddr' retrieving the Mac Adress. Is there an equivalent function in the new Xtender ??


Don't rely on the Novell Client software to provide you with a MAC address. With the advent of Pure IP communications between the Novell Client and a NetWare v5.0 [or newer] server, you can have NCP over UDP instead of NCP over IPX. This means that the client addres will be an IP address & a UDP port # instead of an IPX network number, MAC address and a IPX socket #.

If you want to ignore that warning and try it anyway, use nwGetConnInfo() with Request #5 to get the workstation's network address associated with a particular connection # on a server. You *WILL* have to parse the result to see if the network address is an IPX address or a TCP/IP address before you blindly assume that it contains a MAC address component in a IPX network address.

Article ID:   W15216
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:50:40
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:50:40