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FFFFFD63 and nwVfyPassword

Keywords: 	  FFFFFD63 and nwVfyPassword


The following peace of code is not successfull:
pw = 'michael'
Svr = nwServerList(1)
usr = nwWhoAmI(Svr)
vfy = nwVfyPassword(usr,pw,0)
vfy always results in @FALSE of course i am sure about the password...

question: is this the right way, or... ?

in wwwbatch.ini:

[NetWare Extender] LastError=FFFFFD63 "NWDSVerifyObjectPassword() : WWNWX_VerifyObjectPassword()" 


Here's what the Novell Developer Kit docs have to say about error 0xFFFFFD63:



ERR_FAILED_AUTHENTICATION: Passed in a bad password. Bad passwords can occur when the remote IDs on the source or target servers are invalid or one of the servers is using an invalid RSA Public Key.

Action: To resolve a suspected remote ID issue, run DSRepair using the advanced menu option "View remote server ID list." Select a server and then select the option to repair remote IDs.

It sounds like something may be damaged in the local copy of the NDS database on one of your servers. Please get your network administrator to try the recommended repair action and then try running your script again to see if the problem has been remedied.

Article ID:   W15573
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:29:02
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:29:02