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nwModifyObject Ill Formatted Attribute Value Error


I'm trying to use winbatch for distributing applications. I have read the "Associate a User in NDS to a NAL object" in your database, but it won't work.
nwModifyObject("appname.xp.applications.cwz","ADD_VALUE","ACL","[All Attributes Rights]|.user.dep.units.cwz|3",0,0,0)
Keeps giving "ill-formatted attribute value" error.

As does


Perhaps the | can't be used in this way?


Should "appname.xp.applications.cwz" have been ".appname.xp.applications.cwz" [note the addition of a leading dot "."]?

You have to be very careful about omitting that leading dot "." as it means the difference between a DN and an RDN value. A DN value [e.g. has the leading dot] can be located regardless of your current context. A RDN value, on the other hand, is relative [e.g. Relative Distinguished Name] to the current context, and in this particular case is only equivalent to the DN *if* your current context is set to "[Root]".

Also the "|" character is the default field value delimiter for attribute values that contain multiple fields of information. However, you can use nwSetOptions() to change the field delimiter, in which case the error you are getting would be quite valid.

However, in this situation I don't think that a different field value delimiter has been configured via nwSetOptions(). I think that the attribute value that you've supplied really is improperly formatted. You have the "App:Associations" attribute name paired up with the value ".appname.xp.applications.cwz|4". However, the syntax type for that attribute requires an additional field that defaults to a value of zero, so the properly formatted value should be " .appname.xp.applications.cwz|4|0".

Article ID:   W16543
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:22
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:22