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Problem with nwGetObjInfo on Alias

 Keywords: Problem with nwGetObjInfo on Alias 


I am trying to check if an object is an alias object. I call the function nwgetobjinfo with the request 5 (bit mask representing the object's flags), on an object I knows to be an alias, but I always get the value zero back.
flag = nwgetobjinfo(match,5)

(26188) VALUE=> "0"

Upon closer inspection of the trace file, I found that the function nwgetobjinfo with request 1 (get NDS object base class), was returning the base class of the actual object that the alias is pointing to and not the alias.

class = nwgetobjinfo(match,1)

(26188) VALUE=> "User"   
It would seem the function nwgetobjinfo is somehow seeing through the alias object to the object it points to.


Take a look at nwSetOptions(), request #'s 5 & 6. What is happening is that by default the Novell Client will "see through" an alias object to the aliased object itself. Turning off #5 should eliminate that and allow for the alias object itself to be seen & manipulated as an alias w/o "seeing through" to the aliased object.
Article ID:   W15575
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:29:02
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:29:02