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NetwareX Extender

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Run with Elevated Privileges in NDS


I don't see an option anywhere in the NetwareX functions for setting the current userid. I would like to write an app that has administrative access for the duration of the app only. The user running the app will not have administrative access. Is it possible to have the app login with temporary administrative access without affecting the local user's current NDS authentication?


Hmmm.... not really. Please search the tech support database for articles that discuss a concept called "securit context", especially how it relates to the Novell Client. That will explain in sufficient detail why you can't readily do what you want to do short of running your .EXE file under *different* NT/2K/XP credentials from what you are currently logged on with.

In a nutshell, your Novell credentials are contained in a sandbox called a "security context". Each unique set of NT/2K/XP credentials has its own security context. Within a given security context, the Novell Client only allows you have a single set of Novell credentials authenticated to any particular tree. If you want to be authenticated as a different user in the same tree, you first need to logout from NDS, then login again as a different user, and then logout again and login again under the original Novell credentials.

What sort of admin functions do you want to perform in this manner? It would help to know what you are trying to do since there might be some sort of alternative method available.

Article ID:   W16547
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:22
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:22