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nwSetPassword Error 233

 Keywords: nwSetPassword Error 233 


I am using nwSetPassword to change Novell passwords and get error code 233 returned about 50% of the time. The other times the function works correctly.

What can typically cause this error condition? I have even manually set the context to the user object context before running the function but no improvement in success. Unique passwords are not set and the accounts are not disabled or locked.


You might take a look at the wwwbatch.ini file that *may* get created when the error occurs. This could contain extended error information, that might be helpful in tracking down the problem. See the "lasterror =" line from under the heading [WWNWX34I], in wwwbatch.ini, located in the windows directory.

User Response:

I pasted the contents of WWWBatch.ini below following an errorcode of 233:
[NetWare Extender]
LastError=889A "NWDSGenerateObjectKeyPair() : WWNWX_SetObjectPassword()"


From the Novell Developer Kit header file "nwerror.h":
#define RESOLVE_SVC_PARTIAL 0x889A /* Client-32 */
Error code 0x889a is returned by the Novell Client when it fails to resolve a virtual circuit connection to a NetWare server.

This is one of those error messages that has a meaning that is inherently obvious to the most casual observer. However, in case the meaning doesn't leap right out and bite you, I'll try to shed some light on the subject so that you'll be able to adequately defend yourself when the answer attacks...

It is very likely that you have an unhealthy NDS/eDirectory tree. Please verify that time is synchronized properly among all of the servers in your tree; this can be checked with DSREPAIR.NLM. Then, provided that time is sync'd OK, use DSREPAIR to determine if there are any DS errors that need to be corrected.

Verify that all servers that contain partition replicas are reachable on your network. Pay carefull attention if you have a mixture of IPX and IP NetWare servers configured such that some servers are pure IP, some servers are IPX only and some servers are both IP and IPX.

One more thing to check is whether or not any NDS/eDirectory tree merge operations have been performed recently, or if any NetWare servers in the tree have been renamed recently.

You might be able to isolate the location of the problem by correlating the data regarding which user accounts you can set passwords for and which ones you cannot set passwords for. Chances are that the ones affected by this problem are all in the same partition in the tree, and one or more servers that contain replicas of that partition cannot be properly communicated with.

The underlying cause for the 0x889a error is that the Novell Client attempted to resolve a server name to a server address in NDS as part of a NDS operation, and for some reason the resolution request failed.

Article ID:   W16064
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:38
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:38