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1219 Error with wXXAddDrive

Keywords: 	 1219 credentials


Hello. I can not seem to get NetAddDrive to work.

I have this code:

netAddDrive("matt", "password","\\sfit01\software","m:",@false)
And it returns the following error.
Unrecognised Network Error #1219
I have also tried this code:
netAddDrive("MyDomain\matt", "password","\\sfit01\software","m:",@false)
And I get the same error.

This is a Windows 2000 workstation connecting to a Windows 2000. The PC does have a compuer account in the domain too.


Make the error occur again. Then look in your WINDOWS directory for the file WWWBATCH.INI and find the LASTERROR= line

What does it say?


// MessageText:
// The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials.
It may be a credential conflict. In that you are already connected to that machine using a different userid/password and the other machine is very unhappy about that.

Maybe you can to try @default for user.

The following from MS:

Q106211 - Err Msg: The Credentials Supplied Conflict with an Existing...


Windows NT does not allow you to make multiple connections to a shared network server from the same workstation if you attempt to use more than one set of credentials. If you attempt to make two or more connections to the same server using two or more sets of credentials, you will receive the following error message:

System error 1219 has occurred.
The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials.


To make the connection with the other account, disconnect the previous connection(s) to the server. This behavior is by design for security purposes.


A set of credentials consists of a user name and a password. Both File Manager and NET USE allow you to specify a parameter that designates which user account you want to use when you connect to a server. If you make a connection to a server using one account, then make another connection to the same server using a different account (with the first connection still intact), you receive the above error message. To make the connection with the other account, disconnect the previous connection(s) to the server.

Steps to Reproduce Problem

  1. On your computer running Windows NT in the same domain as the server that you want to connect to, use File Manager connect to a share on the server. Do not type anything in the Connect As field.

  2. Establish a second, separate connection to the same server, either to the same share or a different share on that server. This time, specify an account in the Connect As field. This account must be different than the one with which you are currently logged on.

  3. Choose OK. The above error message appears.

Article ID:   W14876
File Created: 2002:11:27:11:10:14
Last Updated: 2002:11:27:11:10:14