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NT Extender and NT4 No Service Packs


It would appear that the NT extender, version 39007.0.0.1 is not compatible with NT4 and no service packs. It first gives a Initialization of the dynamic link library \wwwnt34.dll failed. The process is terminating abnormally. Then a WIL Extender load error. Unable to initialize the extender DLL.

After SP6a is loaded the problem goes away. I have a process that stages NT4 system and unfortunately I have never seen a NT4 with SP6 a built in.


Even Microsoft doesn't support NT4 w/o any SPs applied. The minimum SP level for NT4 is SP3.

If you are running WinBatch scripts during a NT4 installation after the GUI portion of the installation has begun, then I'd suggest that you use a NT4 installation kit that has SP3 [or newer] slipstreamed into it.

I don't have a test system for NT4 w/o any SPs on it, but I could set one up to test with. My first thought is that a required API function is not being exported by one of the DLLs that the NT extender is linked to, and in that situation the extender fails to load. However, that cause for the problem should result in another message box being displayed that indicates that is the problem, usually a "missing ordinal" message.

Article ID:   W16519
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:14
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:14