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wntRunAsUser to AutoAdminLogon after Reboot

Keywords: 	 wntRunAsUser


Does anyone have experience in setting network controls or Windows policies in Winbatch to automatically log onto to a system? Any thoughts? This question may be far fetched or extremely complex; however, I have setup routines created that reboot the system but require someone to sign onto the network after each install interval. It would be great to have code to automatically log onto to Windows and continue the install process.

Feedback on this is greatly appreciated.


Here are a couple of scripts that demonstrate how to set up the AutoAdminLogon stuff in the registry and then how to autologon with admin rights and do a wntRunAsUser.

Make sure you've got the setting "Act as part of the operating system" set under User Manager/Policy menu (for the particular user who's logging in with Admin rights). Also note that after you make the above change, you have to logout and relogin for the setting to take effect.

In Reskit Suppl. 3 there is an utility called NTRIGHTS.exe you can use to change user rights. Handy when you need to change user rights for the user who are going to execute wntRunAsUser.

You have to grant these advanced user rights to the user who is going to run the script in which you are going to use WntRunAsUser. You have to grant them (using the user manager) on the machine where they will be needed, OR to grant this user right you can write another script (below). After giving a user a right or privilege, the user must logoff then log back on for the right or privilege to become effective. It cannot all be done in one script.

There are two users.

  1. The original logged in user.
  2. The user that you want to "Run As".
Make sure the original user has the "Act as part of OS": rights on the local machine for his account. If you use User Manager to give the rights, then the user must log off then log on BEFORE the rights are effective. The user that you want to "Run As" does not need any special rights, but it is usually an admin account anyways.

Note that the administrator users don't necessarily have all the rights. Especially not the Advanced user rights. You can easily verify which user rights they retain in user manager.


Let's say you have a user Charles and a user Administrator. You need to grant Charles the following advanced user rights:
"Act as part of the operating system"
"Increase quotas"
"Replace a process level token"
Once you did this using the User Manager, you log off and log back in. Of course it's all right to reboot your PC entirely as well.

You log in as Charles once again and now you can try to execute your script with the wntRunAsUser line in it.


; This script is preparing a common user to be able to use the wntRunAsUser function.
; It has to be run as an administrator.

; Ce script preparera un utilisateur normal pour le rendre capable d'exécuter la fontion wntRunAsUser
; Il faut l'exécuter en tant qu'adminstrateur.


; Create a new user on the local machine for our little demo
; Pour la démonstration on va créer un nouvel utilisateur sur la machine locale

wntUserAddDat("name", "newuser")
wntUserAddDat("password", "xxx")
wntUserAddDat("flags", 1)
wntUserAddDat("acct_expires", "0000:00:00:00:00:00")

; Let's give it the necessary privileges
; On va le donner les privilèges nécessaires


; We need to relogon as this newuser
; On sort de Windows, pour recommencer comme ce newuser

Message("Warning",StrCat("This script will log you out of this session",@crlf,"Please relogin as
'newuser'",@crlf,"on the local computer",@crlf,"using the password: 'xxx'"))

IntControl (66, 0, 0, 0, 0)



;In this script (CONFIGUREIT.WBT):
;1. Check username.  If currently logged on user is admin, then don't bother writing to the Winlogon 
;   section.   Just run the test script that *does something* using wntRunAsUser and some other admin
;   type activity.
;2. Otherwise, if not Admin user, write admin user info into the Winlogon part of registry for next 
;   login session.  Then set up the RunOnce key to run the RUNASUSER.WBT script next logon and reboot 
;   the machine.
;In second script (RUNASUSER.WBT) launched by CONFIGUREIT.WBT:
;1.  The AutoAdminLogon happens.
;2.  Do the task that requires admin privileges.
;3.  Undo the Admin registry stuff since the current user is not the administrator, set AutoLogon to 0,
;    and reboot.


;Message("Current User is", curuser)

reguser=RegQueryValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultUserName]")

if strlower(curuser)==strlower("Administrator") ;or customize as necessary to someone with admin privileges

  ;You're an Admin, go ahead and do a RunAsUser without additional settings required
  Group = "Users"
  User = reguser
  Pass = "YkSu1234"

  Domain = "YOURDOMAIN"
  PDC = "\\YOURPDC" 
  Message("List of Members Before Change", thegroups)

  wntRunAsUser(Domain, User, Pass, 2, 0)

  ;Message("Current User is", curuser)

  ;Now do the Admin task
  ans = AskLine("Add User", "What is the name of a valid domain\user you want to add to %Group%?", "")
  rslt = wntMemberSet(PDC, Group, ans, @LOCALGROUP)

  Message("List of Members After Change", thegroups)

  Message("All", "Done")
  ;currently logged on user is NOT admin user

  username="administrator"  ;or someone with admin privileges

  ;change the necessary settings for Adminautologon at next logon
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultDomainName]",domainname)
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultUserName]",username)
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultPassword]",password)
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[AutoAdminLogon]","1")

  ;First add the Winbatch script that'll do the autoadminlogon into the RunOnce key
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce[wbfile]", "c:\temp\runasuser.exe")
  ;Message("Before", "IntControl")

  ;now do the logout.  The machine will logout out current user, autologonadmin, and run the RUNASUSER.EXE script.


; This is script #2.  It is the script that was loaded into the Runonce part of the 
; registry by script #1.  
; This script will do the wntRunAsUser and demonstrate how you can do an admin-level
; task.  One problem is that if this script is cancelled at any point, the admin level
; settings in the registry and Autoadminlogon might still be set in the registry (depending
; upon when it was cancelled), so this is a potential security problem, so I've added the
; Intcontrol(12,8,0,0,0) to prevent user cancellation.


;Now you should have administrator rights... do a RunAsUser then set Winlogon settings back to NULL
Group = "Users"
User = RegQueryValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultUserName]")
Pass = RegQueryValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultPassword]")

Message("List of Members Before Change", thegroups)

ans = AskLine("Add User", "What is the domain\user you want to add", "")

;Make sure you've got the setting "Act as part of the operating system"
;set under User Manager/Policy menu (for the particular user who's logging in with Admin rights).
;Also note that after you make the above change, you have to logout and relogin for the setting
;to take effect.
;In Reskit Suppl. 3 there is an utility called NTRIGHTS.exe 
;you can use to change user rights. Handy when you need to change user rights for the
;user who are going to execute wntRunAsUser

wntRunAsUser(Domain, User, Pass, 2, 0)

;now add the new user to the group
rslt = wntMemberSet(PDC, Group, ans, @LOCALGROUP)

if err==562 
   Display(1,"Warning", "Your Username was not Valid")
	goto setreg
  if err
    Display(1, "Warning", "An error has occurred.")
    goto setreg

;now list out all the new users
Message("List of Members After Change", thegroups)

Message("All Done", "You've accomplished your chore.  Now get ready to relogon...")

;we fall through to here immediately if we get an error on the MemberSet function.
;Now change autoadminlogon settings back to NULL
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultDomainName]","[]")
  ;RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultUserName]","administrator")
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[DefaultPassword]","[]")
  RegSetValue(@REGMACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon[AutoAdminLogon]","[0]")

;now logout as current admin user

Article ID:   W14383
Filename:   wntRunAsUser to AutoAdminLogon after Reboot.txt
File Created: 2001:04:25:16:21:28
Last Updated: 2001:04:25:16:21:28