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Add Everyone to Administrators Group


On a WINXP os, what is the 'Everyone' account?

Reason being, I need to add Everyone into the Administrators group(per client instructions) during a few processes.

After that, I take them out.

I know it can be done using the actual User Manager, but I'm trying to use the WWWNT34i.DLL to do this.

Basically it says that it cannot find the "Everyone" account.



The Everyone account isn't really a group or a user. Everyone is a Universal Well-Known SID value and has special meaning in various versions of the WinNT Platform Family. It is not a group as it does not have members that you can assign to it. The inclusiveness of the Everyone SID value is defined differently depending on which version of the WinNT Platform Family you are running on and how that version of Windows is actually configured [in some cases].

But, regardless of the more esoteric aspects of the Everyone SID, you can add it to the "Administrators" local group on WinXP using wntMemberSet(). Please note that once this is done, it is very likely that logging out and logging on again will be necessary in order for administrator rights to be inherited by Everyone [and all users who are logged on who are included as part of Everyone]. I'm thinking that there may be some instances where it is even necessary to reboot the entire workstation for the propagation of inherited rights to be functioning completely, with a corresponding reboot [or just logout/logon] being necessary after Everyone is removed from Administrators.

Article ID:   W16040
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:28
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:28