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Domain Trusts Explained


Is there any capability in wil/winbatch to enumerate trusted and trusting domains? I know I can go through user manager for domains, but if there is any capability to list the trusts associated with a given domain (and hopefully copy the list to a text file, etc.) it would make life easier (~75/80 domains to diagram trusts, etc.). As usual the MS-supplied tools (dommon, NLMon, etc.) don't provide any easy way to snapshot/copy/print the info - with the dialogs containing output being non-resizable - so you have to scroll to see the listing, etc.


Check out the "wntUserList" function in the network extender help file. I am not sure but I think setting the second parameter to 8 will get you a list of trusted domains.


Thanks - gets me halfway there. Using the following:

x=wntUserList( "\\SERVER", 8 ,0 )

...does generate a list of domains which trust my domain (trusting domains); nothing for TRUSTED domains. Also noticed that the "\\SERVER" argument must be domain controller - returns nothing if I leave it blank (current system). I have about 8 of each (trusted/trusting), some 1-way; others 2-way.

It's better than trying to snapshot the scroll-dialog in usrmgr. I may be able to use an account in our rmtadm domain, which has trusts with every domain to enumerate trusts from the opposite perspective (from those TRUSTED domains looking back at mine and any others they are trusted by). Thanks again!


Trusting domain accounts are stored on the PDC and BDCs. If your script is not executing on a DC of some sort in the domain, then you'll be listing local accounts on a member server or member workstation and not domain accounts, so you *must* specify a DC name to ensure that you're listing accounts on the correct type of server.

Trusted domain accounts will be located on the DCs in the domains that are trusted, so you won't see that information from within the trusting domain.

Here's how domain trusts work....

If Domain A trusts Domain B, then Domain B will contain domain trust accounts which the DCs in Domain A can use to logon to Domain B to perform trusted authentication tasks. I know it sounds ass-backwards, but that's how it works. Domain A is incapable of independently authenticating the credentials of users in Domain B, so in order for Domain A to trust Domain B, Domain A's DCs must be able to authenticate the credentials of users in Domain B. This is achieved by having the netlogon service for domain controllers in Domain A use the domain trust accounts for purposes of performing delegated authenticated of Domain B user credentials.

Article ID:   W17058
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:02
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:02