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List only windows 2000 systems

Keywords: 	   AskYesNo


Is there a way using the wntServerList call to turn up a list of only the windows 2000 systems? The flag 4096 returns NT and w2k workstation or server, and 32768 turns up NT and w2k non-dc servers, but there are more occasions when I need to find just the w2k systems.

I am trying to identify them now by checking in the registry at:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\
for contents: Microsoft Windows 2000 but some seem to slip through the list, and it would be much better to have a wntServerList call.

The w2k systems seem to show up on my server manager list as 'Windows NT 5.0 server'

Any way to do this?


You could use wntServerList to get all the NT machines, Once you identify a server as a NT/2000 server, use wntServerInfo(1) to determine what version of NT. 2000 machines will return a 5

Article ID:   W14607
Filename:   List only windows 2000 systems.txt
File Created: 2000:08:21:14:16:08
Last Updated: 2000:08:21:14:16:08