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wntMemberList Error 522


I am getting the error 522: Unable to allocate (or lock) memory when executing:
people = wntMemberList(“”,”Administrators”,@localgroup)
  • Script has been successfully running for the past year and suddenly began to fail.

  • Running on a NT Cluster server.

  • WWWNT34i.DLL version 38001

  • WWWBATCH.INI contains LastError = 0 szsi is NULL error allocating memory.

  • Apparently when viewing the members from the user group manager there seems to be a ‘weird’ account listed under the local administrators group. Instead of a name a long number appears.

Any ideas as to what may be the problem?


Hmmm... if the contents of WWWBATCH.INI is not "stale", it is indicating that a memory allocation request failed and returned a NULL pointer. Actually, at the lowest level this happens down in some printf types of functions that allocate memory to contain formatted strings. We did a lot of work re-working those functions in the latest release of the NT extender, so I'd recommend that you download & use the latest version of the extender and re-test the script.

Also, the part about "a 'weird' account listed under the local administrators group", that happens when a user or group account has been deleted. For example, create a local user and add the user to the "administrators" group on the workstation. Then delete the user account and go back and review the group memberships. Since the user account has been deleted, the account name cannot be obtained so the SID for the deleted account is displayed instead. All group memberships are simply stored as lists of SID values, not account names, so deleting an account results in not being able to resolve the SID to an account.

Within the NT extender, listing group memberships by account names is supposed to ignore unresolvable SID values and simply suppress any error messages about the problem. However, if you list the accounts by SID, then you can select flag bits that will show the SIDs of all accounts or just the SIDs that cannot be resolved to account names [these are "orphaned" SIDs].

Re-test the script and let me know what happens.

Article ID:   W16529
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:16
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:16