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Error 673 WntPrivAdd

 Error 673 WntPrivAdd 


I am receiving the error '673: Error Adding Account rights' using the following code on my NT 4.0 machine.
privList_results=wntPrivList( '', 'domain\user')

message('privList results', PrivList_results)
result=wntPrivAdd('', 'domain\user', 'SeShutdownPrivilege')
result=wntPrivAdd('', 'domain\user', 'SeServiceLogonRight' )

"NCsecMan" is the username I am trying to give the rights to.

  1. I am running Winbatch 2001
  2. The Win32 network extender version is 32001
  3. I am running it while sitting at WinNT 4.0 SP6 logged on as "administrator"
  4. The WWWBATCH.INI shows: Error 5 (LSAaddAccountRights)
  5. I can successfully give this right using the windows "User Manager" GUI.
  6. I tried adding another right "SeShutdownPrivilege".
  7. I tried to logout and logon again as administrator.
  8. I tried using 'domain\user' to be more specific on the user name.

Final evidence - IT seemed as though we could add a right as long as there was at least one existing priviledge.


Let's make sure you are using the version of the NT extender that does in fact have the wntPrivAdd()enhancements implemented.

I tested this function on a NT 4 machine, with the latest 33002 version of the 'Win32 network extender' and it ran flawlessly. I think all you need to do is get the latest version from our website....


Yes, the newer version 33002 was able to set the priviledge!

Another 673 Error Question


I'm getting the 673 error when running a compiled script using the wntPrivAdd function, e.g.,
I'm using 2000C Winbatch and Extender 11017.


I just found a fix/workaround.

The original code looked like this. tmpsvcacct is a valid domain\user variable

        wntPrivAdd("", tmpsvcacct, "SeServiceLogonRight")
work around is to specify PDC name. this seems to have worked
        pdc = wntGetDc( "", "", 1)
        wntPrivAdd(pdc, tmpsvcacct, "SeServiceLogonRight")

Article ID:   W14880
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:40:48
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:40:48