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Account Expires after wntUserAddDat function

Keywords: 	  "acct_expires"


Dear Reader
I create a user with the wntUserAddDat function:
wntUserAddDat("name", StrUpper(UsrName))
wntUserAddDat("full_name", FullNamex)
wntUserAddDat("password", UsrPsw)
wntUserAddDat("comment" , xxcomxx)
wntUserAddDat("script_path", LogScript)
wntUserAddDat("profile", StrCat("\\", FileServer, "\", UsrName, "$\", AppsSysDir, "\", ProfDir))
wntUserAdd(StrCat("\\", USERSERVER))
wntUserAddDat("acct_expires", -1)
after this process, the user exist with the right data, bud the Account Expires is setting of: End of 06.02.06 what is the reason?

Version Information: WinBatch 98F DllVer 2.6fbs Console 4.0 Windows 4.0

Thanks for your answer.
Kind regards.


Eeek. Documentation error.

-1 is obsolete. See Fixes.txt. Use "0000:00:00:00:00:00". Change and add the following:

wntUserAddDat("acct_expires", "0000:00:00:00:00:00")

Question (cont'd):

I used your statements, and it will be working well.

I don't understand "Eeek." Where i find the Fixes.txt file?

Thanks for your answer.


Eeeek: A sound I make when I notice an error in WinBatch or the WinBatch documentation.

Eek: Small problem.

Eeeeeeeeeek: Big Problem

Oooops: Used when I find out I have made an error.

Hmmmmm: This means the problem requires some thought.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm: Requires much thought.

!!! ??? !!!: I am not even able to understand what the question is.

Also I do not spell check my posting here and although a good speller I am a so-so typist, so you will often see spelling errors.

"Fixes.txt"... Actually it is really called

"The List of Fixes and Improvements.txt"

you should be able to find in in your c:\Program Files\WinBatch directory.

It is the raw list of changes made to WinBatch and the network extenders.

Article ID:   W13522
Filename:   Account Expires after wntUserAddDat.txt
File Created: 2000:08:03:09:57:16
Last Updated: 2000:08:03:09:57:16