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Do the wwwnt34i.dll extender functions work in Active Directories?

Keywords: 	 wwwnt34i.dll NT extender functions work in Active Directories?


Do "list" and "info" commands in the wwwnt34i.dll extender work in Active Directories ? Specifically, listing groups in specific containers ?


Yes, in our testing they work on AD.

The wnt*() functions work via the domain model interfaces that are emulated by Win2K systems that are running AD. What this means is that you can access the same things that were present in WinNT v4.0. For example, you can create new user accounts or manipulate existing ones, but you can only get/set the properties of user accounts that were accessible via the User Manager For Domains program. If you want to get/set properties that were added to user accounts in AD, then you need to use the ADSI extender.

The concept of containers was introduced in AD. That means that you need to use the ADSI extender if you want to selectively list groups located in specific containers. The NT domain model only has the concept of global groups that exist across the entire domain, and the API functions that the wnt*() functions use would have no way to specify a container name.

Article ID:   W15561
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:28:52
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:28:52