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How wntServerList Determines that a Server is a Server

Keywords:   wntserverlist api


How does WntServerList determine that a server is a server? Is it based on how the account was added? Some other piece of information?


In most cases most machines are deemed to be servers, what with the peer-to-peer networking common in Windows.

wntServerList() uses the Win32 API function NetServerEnum() to obtain the list of servers. No computer account lookups are done at all to obtain this information. Instead, the information comes from the NetBIOS node name browser cache. Each "service" offered by a NetBIOS node has some additional flag information in it that identifies the service type & the node type.

Article ID:   W15196
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:50:32
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:50:32