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Converting SID to Domain - Account Name


I have a SID identified in the registry that is some other domain or workstation. I actually believe it is from a workstation, since running wntAcctInfo against the available domains seems to come up empty every time (error 643: Invalid account name).

So, if I DON'T know the domain that represents the a-b-c part of a SID, is there any way to determine that information?


It may be that the SID is an orphaned SID. By orphaned, I mean that the workstation, member server or even domain itself that the SID belonged to may no longer exist. When you re-image a workstation or member server, the system should get a new system SID value assigned to it.

You can use wntLsaPolGet() to get the SID that belongs to a particular workstation or member server and then compare the SID elements that belong to that system with this SID that you have in your registry.

Otherwise, there is no universal method of turning a SID back into a reference to the account domain which it belongs to if there are workstations, member servers or non-trusted domains involved.

Article ID:   W16516
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:14
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:14