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wntChgPassword and Error 677

Keywords: 	  wntChgPassword Error 677


Hi, I wrote a program to change passwords via a winbatch program. I would have the user enter in all the information then user the wntChgPswd command to chnage the password. This worked fine under NT 4.0 sp3-6a. Now, with the same utility hitting a Windows 2000 AD PDC I ocassionally get a extender error return with the value of 677. I can't locate any information on this value, can somebody help me?


Err 677 indicates New passowrd is unacceptable.

The new password is violating some system policy concerning passwords. Common problems are..

  1. Password is too short.

  2. Password is same as old password

  3. Password was used recently

  4. Password is not sufficiently complex (depends on system policy. Maybe it needs upper and lowercase letters. Maybe it needs numbers or other punctuation)

  5. Password is a common word (like "password")
It kind of depends on the system policies you have set on your servers. Something is being violated.
Article ID:   W14647
Filename:   wntChgPassword and Error 677.txt
File Created: 2000:07:21:10:58:24
Last Updated: 2000:07:21:10:58:24