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wntRunAsUser and Called Scripts

Keywords: 	 wntRunAsUser Called Scripts Allow new child processes to inherit security privileges.


I'm trying to call an exe as a currently logged in user but WIL is trying to launch it as a different user because of wntRunAsUser. Therefore I'm getting a runtime error. Is there a way to get around this.

I'm using the following syntax:

wntRunAsUser(domain, user, password, 2, 0)


Set the last parameter of your wntRunAsUser to 1, so that child processes run by Winbatch also inherit the security privileges.

In your previous example, 0 was use. When 0 is set, security privileges are not passed.

Article ID:   W14889
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:40:50
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:40:50