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Check For Disabled Computer Account


How would I go about checking to see if a computer account is disabled?


Use the wntUserGetDat function in the NT Extender.

A computer account is basically a user account with a name that ends in "$".

Don't forget the account flag bits that differentiate the user accounts from the domain trust accounts from the workstation / member server accounts.

The trailing "$" character simply makes the name invisible w/respect to normal tools that list accounts in the SAM database on domain controller.

Here is a sample for you.


sServer = ""
sUser = "JoeBlow"

flags = wntUserGetDat(sServer, sUser, "flags", 0)

If flags & 1 Then Message(sUser, "Account Enabled")
If flags & 2 Then Message(sUser, "Account Disabled")

Article ID:   W16041
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:28
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:28