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Synchronize password from NT Domain to Novell

Keywords:   Synchronize password NT Domain  Novell


Need some advice as where to begin to build a script to sync a Novell 3.12 (bindery) password with a NT/2000 Domain user password, when the NT/2000 domain user password changes.

Is there an extender I should use? Anything else I should need to consider?


Unfortunately, that's not something that you can do with WinBatch. NetWare and the NT platform family use different password hashing algorithms. The result is that if you don't have the plain text password available to hash using both algorithms, then you cannot take the hashed value used for the NT/2K/XP password and use it to derive the plain text value needed to run through the NetWare password hashing algorithm. So, syncrhonizing password changes at the server level is not something that you can readily do, especially not with WinBatch.

Your best best is to install a network client that is capable of hooking into the multiple provider interface under NT/2K/XP such that it is informed of password change requests and is capable of being given the plain text password that is entered during a password change operation and which then alters the appropriate NetWare user account password. Of course, this all assumes that you have the user logged in to both NT/2K/XP *and* NetWare when the password change is done. I know that the Novell Client will do this for you provided that you perform the password change through the Novell Client's password change utility that is part of the client itself; you invoke this by hitting CTRL+ALT+DEL and then clicking on the change password button. Microsoft's Client for NetWare Networks might also be able to do this.

Another option to consider is that if you do install the Novell Client on your PCs, you can use the NT and N4/NetWareX extenders to write a WinBatch script that changes both passwords for you. You would have to implement proper error control statements in your code to make sure that if the first password change fails that you do not then attempt the second one, etc..., but it should work OK.

Finally, if you upgrade from NetWare v3.12 to NetWare v5.1/v6.0/v6.1, you could implement either of 2 Novell products that would be helpful here. The DirXML product is capable of synchronizing data between an eDirectory [a.k.a. NDS] tree and Microsoft AD [or traditional NT domains] and has a password change detection agent that runs on all domain controllers so that password changes may be trapped and synchronized with eDirectory. Another option to consider is the Novell Account Manager product, which can integrate user accounts between eDirectory and NT domains / Active Directory. Again, the Account Manager product results in having a single signon [same username & password] for both the Novell and Microsoft environments, with password changes in one being synchronized with the other.

Article ID:   W15200
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:50:32
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:50:32