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wntDomainSync Error:695

Keywords:	 wntDomainSync Error:695


I am running wntDomainSync using a domain admin account and I get a box:

WIL Extender Error: 695: Error performing synchronization
The subject is:

WinBatch Studio 2000b
WIL Version: 3.0bbv

The code:



Make the error occur again.

Then look in your Windows directory for a file called WWWBATCH.INI

Double-Click it to open it in Notepad, and then look for the


See if there is and LASTERROR= information there. Report back with the all the error information available there. We can look up various codes, etc, and attempt to figure out what happened.

In comparing your code and documentation...I see that you asked for request code 2, but passed it the name of a PDC. Request code 2 requires a BDC

2 Force replicate on BDC (standard replication). "server-name" should be a BDC.


This is the line from the wwwbatch.ini:

LastError=50 (I_NetLogonControl)
Also, the help file that I have lists below:

2: Force replicate on BDC (standard replication). If "server-name" is a BDC, it will cause just that BDC to be replicated. If "server-name" is a PDC, it will case all BDC's to be replicated.

I am trying to sync the entire domain, not just one BDC. Any help you can provide will be appreciated. Your team has been most excellent with the response time and the content of your help. I am very impressed! :)


Documentation bug. Use code 4

4 Force PDC to broadcast change. "server-name" should be a PDC

That tells the PDC to tell the BDC's to update.


That did it! Thanks for your help...

Article ID:   W14648
Filename:   wntDomainSync Error 695.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:14:19:18
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:14:19:18